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Mount Agung Volcano

After months of activity and monitoring, Mount Agung, Bali, Indonesia has begun erupting affecting thousands of Australian travellers. 
Our guide explains where Zoom policyholders stand in terms of travel insurance.



Updated Alert: 26 May 2019

We are aware that some of our customers may have been affected by flight delays or cancellations on Friday 25 May due to ongoing volcanic activity of Mt Agung, Bali, Indonesia.  Denpasar Airport remains open, but this latest eruption in a series of blasts caused several Australian airline operators to delay or cancel flights due to volcanic ash and their safety assessments.  Flights to and from Indonesia’s Bali island returned to normal on Saturday 26 May, allowing the resort island to continue welcoming Aussie tourists.

It is important to note that cover is only available for Mt Agung if you purchased a Zoom policy before midday 22nd November 2017.  If you entered into a policy after this time, we would expect you would have done so with an awareness of the heightened volcanic activity. For these policies, we will not, to the extent permitted by law, pay any claim caused by or arising from or in any way connected with the Mt Agung volcanic ash cloud. 

In the event of a volcanic eruption travellers are advised to check with their airlines about specific flights. 
Please refer to our airline information below.

Coverage is available for claims relating to an impact to your travels that arise from unforeseen volcanic ash cloud activity and other unforeseen natural disasters while you are in Bali, but not for current, known volcanic activity. If you're looking to buy travel insurance for your upcoming Bali trip, visit our Bali page to get a quote on Bali travel insurance.

Updated Alert: 29 June 2018

We are aware that some of our customers may have been affected by the ongoing eruptions of Mount Agung, Bali, Indonesia. Mount Agung continues to erupt and began spewing smoke and ash two kilometers into the air on 28 June 2018, resulting in flight cancellations in and out of Denpasar.

Denpasar Airport remains open, but all travellers are being advised to check with their airlines about specific flights. 
Please refer to our airline information below.

Cover is only available for Mount Agung if you purchased a policy before midday 22nd November 2017.  If you entered into a policy after this time, we would expect you would have done so with an awareness of the heightened volcanic activity. For these policies, we will not, to the extent permitted by law, pay any claim caused by or arising from or in any way connected with the Mt Agung volcanic ash cloud.

Coverage is available for claims relating to an impact to your travels that arise from unforeseen volcanic ash cloud activity and other unforeseen natural disasters while you are in Bali, but not for current, known volcanic activity. If you're looking to buy travel insurance for your upcoming Bali trip, visit our Bali page to get a quote on Bali travel insurance.

Updated Alert: 16 January 2018

We wish to inform customers about an update on Mount Agung in Bali. The volcano continues to erupt intermittently. The volcanos latest eruption occurred on 16th January 2018 resulting in further Ash Clouds. Our policy continues to exclude cover for Mount Agung volcano.  This has been in place since November 22nd Midday (AEDT). 
Cover is only available for Mount Agung if you purchased a policy before 10am 18th September 2017 (AEDT) or between 9am 6th November and midday 22nd November 2017.  The reason this is in place is because our policies do not cover claims for losses caused by an event that you were aware of at the time of purchasing your policy. 

If you entered a policy during the times noted above, we would expect you would have done so with an awareness of the heightened volcanic activity. For these policies, we will not, to the extent permitted by law, pay any claim caused by or arising from or in any way connected with the Mt Agung volcanic ash cloud. 

Coverage is available for claims relating to an impact to your travels that arise from unforeseen volcanic ash cloud activity and other unforeseen natural disasters while you are in Bali, but not for current, known volcanic activity. Visit our Bali page to get a quote on travel insurance for your Bali trip.

Updated Alert: 22 November 2017
Original Alert Issued: 18 September 2017

We are aware that some of our customers are affected by Bali’s Mount Agung volcano, which has erupted for a second time causing cancellations and disruptions to flights in and out of Indonesia.


The following information concerns those affected by the Mount Agung volcanic ash cloud whom purchased their policy within the dates that cover was available.

  • If you have started your journey and your transport is delayed or cancelled or your accommodation is affected due to Mt. Agung volcanic activity, there may be provision to claim for reasonable additional travel, accommodation and meal expenses depending upon the policy purchased.

  • Limits, conditions and exclusions apply under your policy and for full details you should refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Certificate of Insurance you received when you purchased your travel insurance.

  • If you have not yet departed, your policy includes cover for cancellation of your journey, or the unused portions of your journey, as a result of Mt. Agung volcanic activity.

IF YOU haven't departed yet:
  • If your pre-booked travel arrangements are cancelled, delayed or rescheduled as a result of the Mt. Agung volcanic activity and you have not yet departed, you may have provision to claim for cancellation or rearrangement of your journey (whichever is the lesser).

  • We recommend you contact your travel agent or travel provider regarding the best option in altering your trip. Some travel providers may provide penalty free options to amend travel arrangements and we recommend you contact them for further details.


In  the event of a claim covered by your policy, you must take all reasonable steps to reduce the cost of the claim and provide all supporting documentation of the event and expenses incurred. To lodge a claim, complete the Zoom claim form.

We will assess all claims in accordance with your Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and your Certificate of Insurance. Your cover will depend on the type of plan you purchased and your particular circumstances.


Our policies do not cover claims for losses caused by an event that you were aware of at the time of purchasing your policy. If you entered a policy during the times noted above, we would expect that you would have done so with an awareness of the heightened volcanic activity. For these policies, we will not, to the extent permitted by law, pay any claim caused by or arising from or in any way connected with the Mt Agung volcanic ash cloud.

For policies purchased prior to 6 November, please refer to Zoom's original travel alert for Mount Agung issued on 18 September 2017.



Updated Alert: 6 November 2017
Original Alert Issued: 18 September 2017

Indonesian authorities lowered the volcano’s alert status one notch, to the second-highest alert level (level 3) on Sunday 29 October following a significant decrease in seismic activity. There is still an exclusion zone in place, however the radius has been reduced.  Public activity is prohibited within a proximity of 7.5 km and 6 kilometres in some areas.


If you purchased a policy after 9AM (AEDT) on 6 November 2017 and experience travel disruptions directly relating to a change in volcanic activity or threat level, it will be considered a new, unforeseeable event with regard to cover under your travel insurance policy.
We are monitoring the situation and will advise if and when this position changes.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is urging travellers to monitor local media, follow instructions from local authorities and contact airlines if the volcano does erupt.


For Zoom policies purchased between 10:00AM (AEDT) on 18 September 2017 and 9:00AM (AEDT) on 5 November 2017 cover is not available for claims arising from any volcanic activity, including travel service disruptions due to ash cloud, as such events were not considered unforeseen at the time of purchase.

For further information please refer to Zoom's orignal Mount Agung travel alert issued on 18 September 2017.



Updated Alert: 25 September 2017
Original Alert Issued: 18 September 2017

The number of tremors recorded at Bali’s Mt Agung volcano has increased with warnings it could erupt at any time.

Indonesian authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to level four on Friday 22 September following a dramatic increase in seismic activity. Local authorities have temporarily suspended all outdoor activities such as hiking and camping activities in proximity to the crater, with an exclusion zone of 12 kilometres declared around the mountain.

Plumes of volcanic ash are an aviation safety hazard and an eruption of Mount Agung could impact air travel in the region. Airlines and airspace regulators are closely monitoring the situation.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is urging travellers to monitor local media, follow instructions from local authorities and contact airlines if the volcano does erupt.

For Zoom policies purchased up to 10:00AM (AEDT) on 18 September 2017, cover for travel service disruptions due to an eruption of Mount Agung is available.

For Zoom policies purchased after 10:00AM (NZDT) on 18 September 2017, cover is not available for claims arising from any volcanic activity, including travel service disruptions due to ash cloud, as such events are no longer considered unforeseen.

Please see more information that will apply to your travel insurance policy with Zoom.


Issued: 18 September 2017

Indonesia has raised the alert level for the Mount Agung volcano on the tourist island of Bali following an increase in volcanic and tectonic activity.

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency said that the alert has been raised from normal to vigilance. It warned against panic, saying there would be further increases in volcanic activity and changes to the alert level before an eruption.

According to the BPBD, there has been more than 99 “rumblings” during the period ranging from August to September.

As of today no flights have been reported cancelled or diverted. However in the future, the airlines may cancel or divert flights into and out of Denpasar.

Volcanic ash is a serious safety concern for aircrafts, and airlines are monitoring the situation closely.  For a full list of affected flights, you should check the travel alerts or flight schedules of your chosen airline.

Here are some popular airline links to check for travel alerts and flight schedules. AirAsia, Garuda Indonesia, Jetstar, Malaysia Airlines, Qantas, Singapore Airlines and Virgin Australia.



  • The mountain is still under alert status and Australians currently travelling in Bali are urged to maintain a distance of at least 3 kilometers (1.8 miles) radius from the crater.

  • If you have started your journey and your transport is delayed or cancelled or your accommodation is affected due to Mt. Agung volcanic activity, there may be provision to claim for reasonable additional travel, accommodation and meal expenses.

  • Limits, conditions and exclusions apply under your policy and for full details you should refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Certificate of Insurance you received when you purchased your travel insurance.

  • If you have not yet departed, your policy includes cover for cancellation of your journey, or the unused portions of your journey, as a result of Mt. Agung volcanic activity.

IF YOU haven't departed yet:
  • If your pre-booked travel arrangements are cancelled, delayed or rescheduled as a result of the Mt. Agung volcanic activity and you have not yet departed, you may have provision to claim for cancellation or rearrangement of your journey (whichever is the lesser).

  • We recommend you contact your travel agent or travel provider regarding the best option in altering your trip. Some travel providers may provide penalty free options to amend travel arrangements and we recommend you contact them for further details.


Our policies do not cover claims for losses caused by something that you were aware of at the time of purchasing your policy. If you entered into a policy after 10:00am 18th September 2017 we would expect that this was done with an awareness of the latest  Mt. Agung volcanic activity.  For these policies, we will not, to the extent permitted by law, pay any claim caused by or arising from or in any way connected with the Mt. Angung volcanic activity.


In the event of a claim covered by your policy, you must take all reasonable steps to mitigate your out of pocket expenses, particularly when altering your trip arrangements (including seeking compensation from any travel service providers), and provide all supporting documentation of the event and expenses incurred.  By reasonable we mean appropriate and consistent—for example if you have been using two star or budget accommodation on your trip to date, then we advise that the replacement accommodation you seek should be of a similar standard.

Australians travelling in Indonesia are encouraged to plan accordingly.  We encourage you to follow Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) current travel advice for Indonesia and register your details with Smarttraveller.


There is no place quite like the 'Island of the Gods' that is Bali. With beautiful scenery, scorching sun, countless waves, and spirituality, it's no wonder that Bali is top of the pops for Australian holiday makers.  This island paradise has something for everyone.  

However, not being able to reach your dream destination due to a volcanic eruption, or getting stuck there with no clear sign of when you'll get home would put a serious dampener on your holiday! Our common questions will help with some of the tricky scenarios you might find yourself in when natural disaters decide to blow your holiday. Whether you're stranded in Denpasar airport, or stuck in your Seminyak suite, keep reading for some sure-fire tips if you find yourself beached in Bali!



Have your flights been delayed or cancelled? Volcanic ash is a serious safety concern for aircrafts, and airlines are monitoring the situation closely. 
Some airlines are offering flights to alternative destinations.  If you take up this offer, you’ll need to contact us to update your destinations and date if they’ve changed.  Here are some popular airline links to check for travel alerts and flight schedules. 

Airline News Link Contact Number Twitter Feed
 AirAsia   +62 804 1333 333 (Bali)
 Garuda Indonesia    +62 21 2351 9999 (Bali)
 Jetstar   13 15 38; + 61 3 9645 5999 (Australia) 
 Malaysia Airlines   +603 7843 3000 (outside Malaysia)
 Qantas   13 13 13;  +62 21 2555 6300 (Bali 
 Singapore Airlines    13 10 11; +65 6223 8888 (Singapore
 Virgin Australia   13 67 89; +61 7 3295 2296 (Australia) 





Has Mount Agung blown your cover? Be in the know before you go with our handy faq's below.
  • Am I covered in the event of a volcanic eruption?
  • Yes, in the event that your holiday is directly affected by an unforeseen natural disaster you would be covered for cancellation, travel disruptions, additional accommodation expenses and lost deposits. Your cover will depend upon the plan that you purchased. In order to be covered for volcanic ash disruptions you would need to have purchased your policy before news of the natural disaster hit the mainstream media.

  • What does it mean when news of an event hits the mainstream media?
  • A ‘known’ event refers to one that is not unforeseen or has been widely broadcast across mainstream media. For instance, once an event has been announced in the news, travellers would not be covered for any losses incurred.

  • What is a cut-off date?
  • Once an event is known in the mainstream media, all insurers in the market will set cut-off dates whereby cover for a specific event would be put on hold and only resumed after a period of restricted cover. Think of it like your car insurance, you couldn't have an accident, then  decide to purchase car insurance afterwards and still be covered for the ding. It's the same thing with known events and travel insurance.

  • What should I do if my flights are affected because of volcanic ash?
  • If your trip is affected, your first port of call should be to contact your travel agent or travel provider regarding altering your trip. The airline should be accountable to provide you with the service for which you have paid them and are likely to offer penalty free options. 

  • Can I change my flights?
  • A few airlines are offering their customers the option of flying to alternative destinations in order to start their holiday, or to get home. If you decide to do this you need to contact us to let us know of your new destination and dates should they change.

  • What should I do if i'm stuck in Bali?
  • If you're stranded and need to pay for additional accommodation, enjoy your extended holiday and keep your receipts for your claim. Please note we will only pay for reasonable additional travel expenses.

  • What does 'reasonable travel expenses' mean?
  • Reasonable generally means, ‘consistent’.  If you’ve been paying $200 per night, you cannot upgrade yourself to a presidential suite and start paying $500 per night.  In the event of a claim covered by your policy, travellers must take all reasonable steps to reduce the cost of the claim and provide all supporting documentation of the event.